Remember these?? (If you are to young to remember romper stompers, go to ebay and order yourself a pair--you won't be sorry!!)
As a little girl they made me feel taller. And powerful. Like a godzilla in high heels!!
I would start out like a maniac tripping and falling not paying much attention to form and balance. Eventually my ankles would demand that I slow down and figure out exactly how to walk on them. I would carefully place my feet, give some thought to balance, and pretty soon I would be covering some serious ground. It seems like right about the time I was getting into a rhythm another kid would come along and I would throw reason to the wind and start crashing along either to keep up or get ahead!!
This was my inspiration for Romper Stomping. I'm still doing it- crashing forward in chaos trying to live this life, then slowing down to find purpose and make it real.
Only to find myself crashing on again!
Romper Stomping
8 X 16
mixed media, collage on wood tray
©wendy gill art
You can see this piece in person at The Blue Pig Gallery in Palisade, Colorado