I have Artists distraction disorder. I need treatment. or medication.
Either that, or I am witnessing the very real phenomenon of "inanimate objects unite!!!" The scenario goes like this. My objective was to get organized in preparation for moving. Cleaning out my makeup was the task at hand. As I went through my unnecessarily vast amount of beauty products I ran across a very thick stack of magazine pages that I had been hoarding. I flipped through them relishing the images of cool trendy clothes and expertly applied rocking makeup looks. In a matter of seconds I completely forgot about that task at hand. Enter the "inanimate objects unite!". A glue stick. And an old address book.
I re-entered reality (I have no idea how much time had passed) with a sense of great accomplishment.
Oh. Oh my. Yes- the task at hand. Right. Getting organized in preparation for moving. I'm on it!!