Why are some people attracted to horror and others, well horrified by it?! There are many psychological theories on why people enjoy watching horror films. They can stimulate curiosity, make you root for the good guy (or the bad guy!), enjoy the violence against someone who deserves it, make you feel terrified and then relieved when everything is ok…………until the very end when it always isn’t!!!! And every teenage boy enjoys a good horror flick. Especially when the teenage girl next to him screams in fright and jumps into his arms! While all of these are great reasons to drown yourself in a sea of scary movies this week, my number one reason for watching is the art. It looks SO real!! How in the heck did they do that? I love it!!
I love to do zombie make-up and I spend a lot (too much!) time searching the web for great ideas. This year I found an amazing look on youtube. You can view the video here. I had to modify it slightly as the white out contacts make it impossible to see anything and that wouldn’t work for me. One of the best things about dressing zombie-style is watching how people react to you!! The dress I am wearing is from the amazing boutique, Hoopla. You can view the facebook page here and you can shop here. A big thanks to Mad Margarets Costumes and Hotspots for providing all the necessary "tools"! Visit them on FB here.
I really outdid myself. I was terrifying. Horrible. So completely gruesome that I could barely stand to look at myself. But I couldn’t look away either. I loved it!